Dutton Island


Looking back at my website, I realized I have not done a painting in over two years! I guess I was pretty busy making my most important work of art yet, baby Abigail. It has taken a while, but I finally finished this painting that I had started while I was pregnant. It’s a view of Dutton Island Preserve, one of my favorite places to go running. I’m excited to be running and painting again, with baby in tow!

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Brand New Day


Looking back at the last painting that I posted, I can’t help being a little bit sad. Those beautiful dunes at the end of 10th Street have now been washed away by the waves of Hurricane Matthew. At the same time, I am extremely grateful for the damage that we were spared. Things here in the town of Atlantic Beach could have been much, much worse. I am thankful that every morning the sun will rise over the ocean, even if the dunes are not there to greet it. Even if I am not there to see it, the sun always brings with it a brand new day full of new opportunities, and new things to see.

Why I Wake Early

Hello, sun in my face.
Hello, you who made the morning
and spread it over the fields
and into the faces of the tulips
and the nodding morning glories,
and into the windows of, even, the
miserable and the crotchety –

best preacher that ever was,
dear star, that just happens
to be where you are in the universe
to keep us from ever-darkness,
to ease us with warm touching,
to hold us in the great hands of light –
good morning, good morning, good morning.

Watch, now, how I start the day
in happiness, in kindness.

-Mary Oliver

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Filed under art, ocean, painting, sea, sunrise

10th Street, Atlantic Beach

10th Street

This is the place I have called home for a record-breaking two years now. The end of 10th Street, where I walk out onto the beach is the best part. Watching the sunrise never gets old!

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Filed under art, ocean, painting, sunrise

Grace for Another Day


This painting is from a photo I took one morning back in June. I found out a couple of days after I had taken it, that it was the same morning that a friend from church had passed away unexpectedly. I began the painting in honor of Catherine. Although I did not know her for very long, I really appreciated the contagious joy and enthusiasm that she had for life and for her faith.

It took me until the end of the summer to finish this painting, but what an amazing summer it has been! Over the course of the past two years in my job, I have been a part of many people’s lives as they near the end. It is hard to say goodbye, but I hope that every day we take a moment to be thankful that the sun has risen once again, and that we are given another chance to love.

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Filed under art, painting

Stef’s Secret


The first painting of 2015! Better late than never…

I recently returned from a trip to one of the most beautiful places on earth, Western North Carolina in the spring. After catching up with lots of friends who I haven’t seen in a long time, I had the privilege of leading an 8 day backpacking trip for North Carolina Outward Bound.

We began our journey up above the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Shining Rock Wilderness where spring was just starting to creep in. After several days of camping with bears, hiking with amazing views, and getting to know some really great people, we arrived at one of my favorite campsites. (Stef’s secret is indeed a secret, especially with a hand drawn map to show the way.) Down at the lower elevation there were blooming azaleas, bright green leaves, and hundreds of fireflies at night.

It is a truly magical location and will always hold a special place in my heart.



Filed under art, painting

Looking Out

Looking Out

Looking Out

This semester I spent many hours in various classrooms at UNF. The campus has beautiful landscaping and there is a bamboo forest with tables and chairs where I liked to sit and study. This is the view from inside looking out. Third floor, building 39A, comp lab. It’s different than most of my paintings, maybe because my life is very different right now.

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Filed under art, painting

Hello again, my sea turtle friend

Sea Turtle

Sea Turtle

I’ve been wanting to do a painting of this little guy for a while now and have finally gotten around to it. I saw him in Fernandina Beach eating seaweed off the side of dock last October. I wonder where he is now and what he’s munching on…


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Seashell Fragments


Moon Snail




The other day I decided to see if I could remember how to draw… I keep accumulating more and more pretty shells from walks on the beach. Normally I only pick up the ones that are in perfect condition, but lately I’ve been noticing the unique and interesting shapes and colors that some of the broken shells have.



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Jax Beach Sunrise

Jax Beach Sunrise

Jax Beach Sunrise

I’ve spent the past couple of mornings surfing here by this pier. I’ve seen the sun rise here many times over the past 10 months, mostly while running with friends. I wanted to share the beauty of this spot that has a place in so many people’s hearts with you…

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In honor of the full moon last night, here is my moonrise painting. I think it is amazing that in our world of distractions and technology, people still come out to the beach just to watch the moon rise. (Unfortunately it was cloudy last night…) I like to think about the things that still draw people together rather than all of the things that divide us.

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